刚听了Furious7的主题曲让我感触很多,想当年2001年TheFastAndFurious上映时的几个星期后我在马来夜市买了翻版片,我当时很喜欢跑车之类的东西,我在夜市摊看到了这片CD时就苦苦哀求老爸卖给我,他也就在没办法的状态下买了这片CD。我当时都不知道F.F.是一部出了名的电影,一买回家就迫不及待的打开来看,它里面的剧情是述说LAPD警官-Brian O'Connor(PaulWalker)遇上了专业赛车手DominicToretto(VinDiesel)的故事,他当时也遇见了他永远的情人MiaToretto(JordanaBrewster)也就是Dom的妹妹。然后就爱上了这部电影,里面的动作都非常吸引我,尤其是赛车的片段Brian拿他的跑车(MitsubishiEclipse)跟Dom的跑车(MazdaRX-7)比赛时是最精彩的。看完过后我就一直把它当成宝,把它照顾的好好的。就在我2年级(2006年)时超喜欢漂移赛车的动作,因为2005年时在香港上映了一部周杰伦演的“头文字D”。那剧情超吊,好了我就不多说了。FF3:TokyoDrift这是我到现在最喜欢看的第2个电影,虽然没有FF的成员演(除了VinDiesel)但是里面的剧情超棒的,就算没有FF原班成员都一样好看。过了2011年也就是我上Form1啦!!!!!这部FF系列已经成为了全世界最瞩目的电影,尤其是Fast5。就是全马来西亚都认识或喜爱这部电影的导火线啦,因为这部电影在我国上映就很多人说超好看的,我喜欢的是看PaulWalker架的超老型跑车(1971NissanSkylineGT-R)那个曲线在加上Paul的动作及样子真的是超帅的啦!这也就是我我开始喜欢Paul的原因(无言是把?哈哈!)可是这是没办法的啊,太帅了。过后的就是FF6了,这部电影的剧情还算可以吧,只是在高速公路上逃时也是蛮刺激的。也就在这部电影上映已过6个月时,网络就发很多关于Paul的死讯,当时我以为是假的,因为有些人评论说是假的所以我信了。过了大概一个星期吧我在网络看到Paul的死因才让我清楚这不是做假的,我当时就满伤心的。当时伤心的原因有两个
"See You Again"
(feat. Charlie Puth)
It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
Damn who knew all the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here
Talking to you about another path I
Know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture
Those were the days hard work forever pays now I see you in a better place
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
when I see you again
First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong and what's
Small turn to a friendship a friendship
Turn into a bond and that bond will never
Be broke and the love will never get lost
And when brotherhood come first then the line
Will never be crossed established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn and that line is what
We reach so remember me when I'm gone
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
So let the light guide your way hold every memory
As you go and every road you take will always lead you home
It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
"See You Again"
(feat. Charlie Puth)
(feat. Charlie Puth)
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
Damn who knew all the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here
Talking to you about another path I
Know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture
Those were the days hard work forever pays now I see you in a better place
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
when I see you again
First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong and what's
Small turn to a friendship a friendship
Turn into a bond and that bond will never
Be broke and the love will never get lost
And when brotherhood come first then the line
Will never be crossed established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn and that line is what
We reach so remember me when I'm gone
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
So let the light guide your way hold every memory
As you go and every road you take will always lead you home
It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again